Monday, May 24, 2010

36 weeks

Remember around 26 weeks I posted that I was feeling "very pregnant"?  Uhm ... words can not describe how WRONG I was.  26 weeks was nothing compared to how I am feeling now.  Take a look at this toddler I am growing.  I start getting checked by the OBGYN every week starting this week- come on baby!

Junk in the Trunk

Jared and I found this cool antique trunk at an antique store.  We picked this bad boy up for $45.00- quite the steal we think.  The trunk still has stickers from the previous owner's travels- New York, Boston, Delaware and even the Union Depot K.C. (The Depot was in the west bottoms and closed when Union Station K.C. opened in 1914).  There is a tag on the side of the trunk that has the original owner's address with a date of June 23, 1908.  

Front of trunk.

Back of Trunk.

We are using the trunk as a coffee table.  Make sure to use coasters!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Work Shower

My Barkley co-workers threw me a baby shower at work on May 7th.  Jared, Baby Teach and I got a carseat and two bases (one for each vehicle) and lots of yummy treats.  Thank you guys!!!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

34 weeks and one big baby

We had a sonogram today to see just how big Baby Boy Teach is.  At 32 weeks I was measuring 35 weeks, so the doctor wanted to see what was going on in there.

Well ... we have one big baby on our hands!  According to the measurements, the baby is 6 pounds 3 ounces.  That's a full size baby- and I still have six weeks to go!  I believe the quote from the sonographer was "this baby has a perfectly shaped head ... and it is a very large head.  He has been enjoying his time in the womb".  I think I need to lay off the McDonalds and chocolate these next few weeks.

Oh, and, Baby Boy Teach has a full head of hair!  She could see wispy hair on his head. I guess that's what has been causing all of my heartburn (or so they say).

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day- I get it.

I think there are several things in life that you just can't comprehend until you have actually experienced them.

When you are in high school you just can't imagine how your boyfriend of two weeks breaking up with you isn't the end of the world.  Then you go to college and realize there are so many fish in the sea.  What was that guys name again?

And when you are in college, you just can't understand why someone would want to get married and settle down- those old farts don't have any fun.  And then you meet the man of your dreams and can't imagine NOT being married to him.

I have experienced both of the above, but just recently I have experienced one of the best and most frightening experiences of my life.  Motherhood.  I know, I know... the baby hasn't even been born yet. BUT- I can honestly say I "get it" (or at least am on my way to getting it).  The past nine months have really opened my eyes into what being a mother means and how much a mother sacrifices for her family.  Granted at this point, I have only sacrificed caffeine, alcohol and some sleep. Oh ... and shoes that are fashionable!  But, like I said, I am on my way of "getting it".

Recently we visited the Harger Family in Tucson and I swear to you Cari took maybe a few bites of food before she was up getting napkins or more water or forks or spoons or whatever else her little ones needed.  Just as she sat back down, up she would go again.  I think a hot meal is something of the past for her. And she did it without a complaint- she was sacrificing for her family.

And then I think about all the things I "made" my mom do when I was young.  I refused to wear a pair of jeans more than once- can you imagine the loads of laundry she had to do to keep me clean and fashionable?  And all the trips to the sporting events, sleep-overs, and movies without one thought in my mind about if she had the time or the energy to do those things.  She just did them- she was sacrificing for her family.  And oh my, lets not forget about my college years. I have no idea how she survived those years- I barely did!  She had to go to sleep every night wondering when the phone call was going to come and what I had done this time.

So, Mom, this post is dedicated to you.  Thank you so much for everything you have done for me the past 29 years and everything you will do for me over the many years to come.  I appreciate your more and more every day now that I am on my way to becoming a mom and "get it".

Love you!

Oliver and his tricks

Have you ever heard of the old saying "You can't teach an old dog new tricks"?  Well, you can.  But, I have learned quickly that you should think twice about what tricks you are teaching your dog.  Here is a list of good tricks and not so good tricks we have taught (some on purpose, some inadvertently) Oliver.

Good Tricks:
  • Sit
  • Down
  • Beg
  • Shake
Bad Tricks:
  • Your water is his water- At the dog park one day I let Oliver drink out of my water bottle.  Since then, he thinks all water is his water. He will scratch a cup or water bottle until you give him some out of it. Or, if he is feeling lucky, he'll just help himself.  Visitors beware- always keep an eye on your water!
  • Ice Cubes are treats- Don't even think about going to the freezer without giving him an ice cube.  And sometimes the ice cubes in the freezer are not good enough. They must be the ice cubes in YOUR cup.  If you're lucky, he will wait for you to give him an ice cube out of your cup instead of just sticking his head in and getting one for himself.  
  • Keys in hand= Oliver going for a ride.  If you don't take him with you, he will leave you a "surprise" when you get home.  And not the good kind of surprise. 
  • Computer out= work time.  You think this would be a good one for Oliver to be taught.  If I'm on the computer, it means I'm busy. But for Oliver, if I'm on the computer it means he must be right by the computer, jumping back and forth over the computer, walking on the computer or just plain sitting on the computer.  The computer is his competition for my time.  Oh, little does he know that soon something (or should I say someone) will be battling him for our attention!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Baby Shower

Raegan, Nici, Heather, Melanie and my Mom threw me a baby shower this weekend.  It was such a great time and I had so much fun visiting with everyone.  Thank you girls!  Here are some pictures from the shower. 

Diaper Cake that Raegan made.

Chocolate fountain with goodies for dipping. 

The grandparents and great-grandparents. 

The hostesses.

College Roommates. 

Kendall and Oliver

Kendall and the family came up this weekend for the baby shower.  Kendall and Oliver are really starting to become good friends!

33 Weeks

7 weeks to go!  The only thing comfy these days are Jared's sweats!