Sunday, December 5, 2010

Stubborn! Wonder where he gets that from?

Jackson has been eating rice cereal now for about 6 weeks.  Recently he has started to refuse to eat his cereal.  He sucks on his lower lip and won't open his mouth.  I had read somewhere that when babies refuse to eat or try something new, let them explore the food and eventually they will want to eat it.  So, I let Jackson take the spoon and stick his fingers in the cereal.  Sure enough, after he played with his food for a bit he started to eat.  I spent quite a while cleaning up the mess he made.  

Jackson took the spoon and tossed the cereal everywhere.  

Jackson playing with his cereal. 

Jackson 24 Weeks- little explorer

Our baby boy is almost 6 months old!  He is such a delight to be around- he has the best smile and his laugh is hilarious.  I'm excited to go back to Kansas City for Christmas so our family and friends can see how much he has grown!

Jackson has really started to explore the world and become more aware of his surrounding.  He loves to explore mommy and daddy's faces and stick his finger up our noses (awesome) and loves to reach out and pet Oliver.  Since he is so fascinated with everything, we have had to make sure he is not near anything valuable, as you can guarantee he will pick it up and put it in his mouth or bang it on the floor.

 Mommy turned her back and Jackson grabbed a pear decoration and started chewing. 

After he was done chewing the pear, he decided to bang it on the side of the table.

Jackson has also become quite the little explorer in this bouncer.  He whips himself in circles and jumps up and down laughing and grinning.  On the particular day when I took the pictures below, he decided he needed to suck on his pacifier, watch tv and play in his bouncer all at the same time.  

Jackson multitasking- pacifier, tv, bouncer.

Sweet baby blues.