Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Cut it out!

Mommy really needs to get with the program and cut Jackson's hair.  

Jackson 8 months

The last month has been so exciting in the Teach household. Jackson learns something new every day!  It's as if you can actually see the wheels turning in his head.

Our big milestone this week: Jackson learned to clap!!!  No crawling or "ma, ma" yet, but I know we are close.

 Big Boy!

And just like last month, Jackson found the sign and ate it.

 Hmmm...what is this behind me?

 It makes a cool noise when I pick it up. 

 And an even cooler noise when I smash it. 

 Let me bring it to the front so I can get a better look. 

 Lets wave it around a bit. 

 And I better taste it just to see if it's yummy.

Nope, not yummy.  

Monday, February 14, 2011

Wokin' on my skillz

Jackson has spent the past week perfecting his standing skills.  He's learned several important things:

1.) A wider stance gives you better balance

2.) Shakin' your booty to music is fun (see video)

3.) Two hands on the surface at all times (see video)

4.) Mom has quick hands (see video)

Do you have a license to drive that thing?

Who needs a license when you are this cute?

Monday, February 7, 2011

Path of Destruction

Jackson has a routine once we put him in the walker.  It goes like this ...

1.) Head straight for the colorful baskets and pull them off the shelf.

2.) Make a few laps around the kitchen with the basket.

3.)  Get tired of the basket and go untie the chair pads. Depending on the day, he may or may not chew on them for a bit.

4.) Get tired of the chair pads and head for the kitchen towel.  Pull it off the rack, wave it around a bit and then toss it on the floor.

5.) Repeat.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Look what I can do!

No crawling yet, but I am standing!  

Woo hoo!  

Look ma, one handed.  

Hanging with the boys.  

Enjoying the view. 

Standing up makes toys much more fun!

Oliver is in heaven

Jackson learns something new everyday.  Unfortunately, today he learned how to feed Oliver.