Friday, October 28, 2011

Where oh Where Have the Teachs Been?

Well hellllloooo there. Wow- it's been quite awhile since I have posted!  In my defense, I did try to post earlier this week, but accidentally deleted the batch of photos I was going to upload :(

Things have been going really well with us out here in sunny SD.  The weather has been ... well, the same as usual; low to mid-70's.  There have been a few overcast days where I pretend the leaves are falling outside and put on a sweater and make some soup.  But that only lasts a day or so and then it's back to sun. And BELIEVE me- I am NOT complaining!  But I do miss the midwest fall.

Jackson is growing unbelievably fast and seriously learns something knew every day.  He is pointing and jabbering at anything and everything.  It is crazy how much he can understand- if I tell him we are going upstairs to take a nap or bath he heads straight for the stairs.  I'll ask him to open or close something and he will and the other day I asked him where my shoes were and he went and found them and brought them to me.  Hmmm .... I wonder how long it will be before he can get me the remote and a refill on my diet coke?

His favorite toys include his train set, his lawnmower, his cell phone and any type of car.  He loves to say "vroom, vroom" when he plays with his cars and loves to "mow" the tile with his lawnmower while I am sweeping.  And I am happy to report we have went almost three months with no cell phone incident!  Woohoo!  He knows if he has mommy's cell phone he is to give it back to her, NOT hide it or throw it or chew on it.

Oliver and Jackson are still playing really well together; although, we are starting to notice a little bullying going on FROM Oliver.  The other day Jack was carrying around a piece of cheese and Oliver was trying to get to it, but Jack was holding it up above his head and running.  Oliver backed him up against the corner of the wall, forced him to sit down and then put his paws on Jack's shoulders and stole the piece of cheese right out of his hands.  Of course, Jack thought it was funny and went and got another piece of cheese.  I know Jack is keeping track of all of this so he can 'repay' Oliver when he's bigger.

Here are some pics of Jack for your enjoyment.

Taking a break from mowing to catch some 'toons. 

Back to work ... 

What Jack's train set looks like by the end of the day.  
Track missing, bridge collapsed, mountain topple over.   

Daddy and Jack snuggling in bed.  

Pumpkin Patch

We took Jackson to Bates Nut Farm a few weeks back to pick out some pumpkins and go to the petting zoo.  He happened to be teething (a molar!) that day, so he was pretty cranky and didn't want much to do with the animals, but he thought the pumpkin patch was the BEST.

Trying to figure out how mommy is driving the tractor.  

Wheeling some pumpkins around.  

Picking out his pumpkin.  Of course he chose the LARGE one.   

Mom thought it would be a good photo op.   Jackson did not.   

Feeding the goats.   

Jackson got fed up with the goats, so Daddy fed the rest of the corn to them. 

Sneak Peak ...

Here is a sneak peak of our Halloween outfits this year.  Can you guess who the family is going as?

Monkeying Around

When I walked into Jack's room this morning to get him out of bed, this is what I found ...

Evidently his monkey is not only a toy, but a fashion accessory too.

Monday, October 3, 2011

The Big Red

We went to a birthday party this weekend and a special guest showed up to greet the kids.  ELMO!

Jackson lasted about 5 seconds longer than we thought he would.

Fun with Paper

There's nothing more fun for a 15-month old than getting a present in the mail ... and playing with the packing paper instead of the toy.