Monday, April 9, 2012

A Stuffed Oliver

Grandma Teach got Jackson a stuffed Bichon Frise that looked exactly like Oliver for Easter.  I showed Jackson the dog and he immediately took it out of my hands and started hugging and kissing it and then ran over to show it to Oliver.

I heard him laughing in the playroom today so I went in to see what he was doing and this is what I caught on camera ...

Rollin around with his new toy.  

Introducing his stuffed dogs to one another.   

The Bichon going in for a kiss from the Beagle.  

Yard Work

Jackson really likes to play outside in the yard, so when I am doing yard work I let him run around and "help" me.  He loves to pretend to rake just like mommy and has even figured out how to use the broom/dust pan to put leaves in the trash can.  Give him a few more years and I'll have him mowing the lawn as well!

Putting leaves in the trash can.   

 Making sure all the leaves went in.  

Sweeping dirt ONTO the sidewalk.   

Helping mommy by walking through her leaf pile.  

Checking on his stash of leaves he hid in his car.   

Trying to fit the broom under the hood of his car as well.

This is How I Roll

Jackson LOVES when we go to Sprouts grocery store because he gets to push around his own tiny cart.  I can't say it's as fun for me as it is for him, but the smile on his face is worth the extra hassle (and the extra headache).

On this particular trip I only needed a few items, so Jackson got to carry all the items in his cart, minus the cantaloupe because I thought it would be too heavy.  When we got to the check-out line he started taking the items out of the cart and handing them to me to put up on the belt.  When we were done checking out he pushed the cart out the door and into the cart area.  I can't believe that he knew exactly what to do, but he's been to the grocery store with me so much that he had picked up the process.

Monday, April 2, 2012


Jackson has been saying 'Oliver' for several months now, but I can never get him on video saying it ... until last night!  We were watching the KU/Ohio basketball game and he was saying Oliver's name over and over and I was able to catch it on video.  He also says basketball (:18 second mark) and up (:24 second mark).

He has quite a few words in his vocabulary now:

And a few others that I can't think of off the top of my head.  Luckily no curse words have made his list yet. Fingers crossed it stays that way! :)  


We LOVE Mickey Mouse at our house.  Here is Jackson "mousekersizing" with Goofy and the gang.