I think there are several things in life that you just can't comprehend until you have actually experienced them.
When you are in high school you just can't imagine how your boyfriend of two weeks breaking up with you isn't the end of the world. Then you go to college and realize there are so many fish in the sea. What was that guys name again?
And when you are in college, you just can't understand why someone would want to get married and settle down- those old farts don't have any fun. And then you meet the man of your dreams and can't imagine NOT being married to him.
I have experienced both of the above, but just recently I have experienced one of the best and most frightening experiences of my life. Motherhood. I know, I know... the baby hasn't even been born yet. BUT- I can honestly say I "get it" (or at least am on my way to getting it). The past nine months have really opened my eyes into what being a mother means and how much a mother sacrifices for her family. Granted at this point, I have only sacrificed caffeine, alcohol and some sleep. Oh ... and shoes that are fashionable! But, like I said, I am on my way of "getting it".
Recently we visited the Harger Family in Tucson and I swear to you Cari took maybe a few bites of food before she was up getting napkins or more water or forks or spoons or whatever else her little ones needed. Just as she sat back down, up she would go again. I think a hot meal is something of the past for her. And she did it without a complaint- she was sacrificing for her family.
And then I think about all the things I "made" my mom do when I was young. I refused to wear a pair of jeans more than once- can you imagine the loads of laundry she had to do to keep me clean and fashionable? And all the trips to the sporting events, sleep-overs, and movies without one thought in my mind about if she had the time or the energy to do those things. She just did them- she was sacrificing for her family. And oh my, lets not forget about my college years. I have no idea how she survived those years- I barely did! She had to go to sleep every night wondering when the phone call was going to come and what I had done this time.
So, Mom, this post is dedicated to you. Thank you so much for everything you have done for me the past 29 years and everything you will do for me over the many years to come. I appreciate your more and more every day now that I am on my way to becoming a mom and "get it".
Love you!
You are going to make such a great mom!
You ARE going to make such a great mom! You were right there with me helping out my babies before anyone had to ask you. Thanks for the compliments! Hope you had a wonderful mother's day.
Miss you,
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