Friday, June 11, 2010

38 1/2 weeks

We had our final doctors appointment today, as well as a sonogram to see how big the baby is measuring.  I won't say how big the baby measured in at because Jared's office is having a baby pool, but I will tell you that he is measuring in the 95th percentile for weight!  The doctor said "we consider this a big baby".

We are going to get induced on Tuesday 6/15 at 8 pm and little baby teach will be here sometime on Wed 6/16!

The sonographer took some 4-D pics of Baby Teach during our session today.  I don't have a scanner at home, so I wasn't able to scan the pics in, so I just took a photo of the image- sorry it's kind of grainy.


Janelle said...

Where are you delivering? If at Shawnee Mission then I'll be up there this week with Chris and would love to say Hi when you're welcoming visitors. Good luck!!!

Kayla South said...

So excited for you guys! Good luck and get your rest!

Unknown said...

YEAH Teach!! Your little peanut has an adorable face. Good luck Tuesday - I'll be thinking of you!