Sunday, November 14, 2010

Reindeer Games

Here are a few games that Jackson has enjoyed playing with mommy this week.

Game #1: Belly Buster
Jackson rolls onto his belly, plays for a few minutes, screams, mom rolls him back over.  Repeat 50 times a day.  Looking forward to when he learns to roll from tummy to back.

Game #2: Pooper Scooper
Mom puts on diaper.  Jackson explodes and poop goes everywhere.  Mom puts on a diaper.  Jackson explodes and poop goes everywhere.  Mom learns her lesson and puts on a LARGER diaper.  Jackson explodes and poop goes everywhere.

I think next week we'll try to stick to games like "peek-a-boo" and "where's Jackson".

I'm sure Jackson is pooping in this picture

Oliver doesn't mind Jackson rolling over- it gives him a better angle of the goods. 

Jackson was quarantined to his pack-n-play after each explosion so the clean up crew (aka mom) could clean up the mess.

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