Monday, January 24, 2011

Jackson 31 Weeks

This week was a big week for sounds.  Jackson said "ba, ba, ba" and Jared and I swore he said "ma, ma" last night!  Jackson loves to watch his Baby Einstein videos.  One of them has some sheep on it and they will say "ba, ba, ba" and Jackson will say it right back to them.  So proud!

Jackson has also been improving his walker skills.  He can now make it into another room by the time I turn by back and turn back around- awesome. He loves to walk himself into the living room and "talk" to Oliver.  He'll jabber and scream at Oliver and Oliver just stares at him from the top of the couch where Jackson can't reach him.

Mommy got some of Jackson's big boy toys out this week for him to try.  We played with wood blocks, rode a scooter and played with daddy's shoe strings :)

 Playing with toy blocks. 

 Playing with Daddy's shoe strings.

Riding my scooter.  

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