Monday, May 23, 2011

The Big 30

Has anyone heard the Tim McGraw song "In My Next 30 Years"?   What a great song.  I think it pretty much sums up how most of us feel on our 30th birthdays.  Looking back on my 30 years, I feel like I've had a pretty good run.  Somehow, despite all the crazy things I've done, I ended up with an amazing group of family and friends, and quite possibly the best husband and son ever.

My 30th birthday was downright amazing.  Jared flew my best friends since college, Nici and Raegan, out to surprise me.  I opened the door to go out into the garage and there they were!  It took me about three seconds to realize what was going on and then I spent the next five minutes screaming and crying!

We spent Friday shopping and chatting, and then spent Saturday at Glen Ivy Spa with some friends from my mom's group.  Nothing better than a massage and some sun to soak in your 30th!

Dinner at the Beach House 

 Best. Husband. Ever. 

Fun in the sun. 

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