Monday, June 27, 2011

Our baby boy turns ONE

Jared and I can't believe how fast time has gone by.  But I guess with a little boy as great as ours it happens easily.

Jackson has just blossomed this past month.  He now says mama, dada and dog a bazillion times a day and has just picked up saying vroom, vroom while playing with his cars/trucks.  I think he might have picked that one up from cousin Kendall.

He can give you a high five, a kiss, wave goodbye (when he's in the mood) and I'm working on teaching him to give me knuckles.

He isn't quite walking yet, but he will walk if you hold his hands, although it is a very unstable, wobbly walk.  I am guessing another month and we'll have a runner, not a walker.

He is solely drinking out of sippy cups (we said goodbye to the bottle before our trip to Kansas) and is drinking whole milk instead of formula.  We have a downright toddler on our hands!

And I have a feeling that the terrible two's are not just two's, but more like 12 months to three years.  Jackson has already mastered the tantrum, complete with hand and head being thrown on the ground and some rolling around as if he's being tortured.  It's hard not to laugh during one of his tantrums.

Although he does have his moments, most of the time he is a sweet, sweet boy who loves to snuggle with mommy and daddy, play with his work bench and chase Oliver around pulling at his ears.

We could not have asked God for a better little man to bless us with.

Now on to the pictures ...

We were in California for Jackson's actual birthday, so we had a nice quiet dinner at home with a strawberry shortcake for Jackson to celebrate with.

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