Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Merry Christmas

The stockings were hung by the chimney with care ...

In hopes that St. Nicholas would soon be there.  

Oliver and Jackson checking out the goods


A cool new dump truck from Santa

Tic-Toc-Crock flashlight

More presents!

After opening presents, Jackson enjoyed playing with his new toys while mommy and daddy cooked breakfast.  

Hungry Hippos can get pretty dangerous, so Jackson decided to wear his helmet to play.   

Playing with his toys.  

Eating some chocolate before breakfast.  Why not- it's Christmas!

 Christmas breakfast on the griddle.  YUM.

Christmas night we went over to our neighbors house for a wonderful dinner and gift exchange.  

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Mommy is a Genius

This morning I needed just a little bit of quiet time so I could bake some banana bread for the neighbors.  Jackson got a few new construction trucks last week (early Christmas present from mommy and daddy) so I decided to experiment with an old balloon and a new truck.

What if I attached a balloon to the crane, cranked it up and turned it into an instant punching bag.


Jackson had fun.  I baked some bread.  And daddy took a nap.  Pretty great morning if you ask me.

**Pants are always optional at the Teach household.

Little Boy Heaven

What can I say- the kid loves cars.  If it has wheels or is a mode of transportation, the kid will love it.  I've seen him get excited at a mail truck before.  And don't even get me started on how crazy he gets when he sees a helicopter (which is quite often since we live by the coast).  

One of Jackson's favorite things to do is ride in the cars at the outlet mall.  After his visit with Santa, we decided he deserved a few rides on some cars.  He was in heaven.


Jared and I have been talking to Jackson about Santa for the past several weeks.  Every time he sees Santa he yells "Santa, Santa Ho, Ho, Ho".  Clearly, the child is enamored with Santa.

We asked Jackson if he wanted to go see Santa and sit on his lap.  He replies ... "YES".

So we go.

And this is how it turned out ...

 Entering Santa's Village.  Excited to see the jolly old man.  

Both feet are in Santa's village.  Points at Santa and says "Oh Wow".  Still excited to see the jolly old man.  

Sits on Santa's lap.  NOT excited to see the jolly old man.  

Hair Cut

We FINALLY got our hair cut after boycotting the barber for about six months.  If you have ever heard me talk about our experiences at the barbers, then I'm sure you can imagine why I wasn't too antsy to get Jack's hair cut.

We went to a new place that specializes in kids that hate getting their hair cut.  They had balloons, tv, bubbles, car chairs, etc., to help distract the kids.  However, all this was no match for our son.  As soon as he saw the squirt bottle and scissors it was GAME OVER.  I told the woman to ignore the crying and screaming and pleading (from Jackson AND myself) and just cut it quickly.  Twenty minutes later we had a very cute haircut and a little boy with a new toy and sucker for being a champ.  

And now we have one very handsome and cool dude on our hands.  Watch out ladies!!!

Line Up

Jackson loves to line up his toy trucks and cars in his playroom.  Sometimes mommy and daddy join in the fun and we have them lined up out the door.  And then sometimes mom like to put one out of order and it really annoys Jackson (insert evil laugh!).

However, the same does not go for mom's shoes.  Jackson enjoys just leaving them in a pile on the floor.  No need to line them up.