Saturday, August 24, 2013

A Little of This and a Little of That

Time really flies when you're having fun.  I wasn't quite for sure what I was going to write about for this blog post and then I went through all of  our pictures and realized we have been up to a lot!

Jack went to the dentist and did a fairly good job.  He let the dentist look in his mouth with the mirror but wanted nothing to do with the dentist flossing or cleaning his teeth.  We go back in six months and I'm hoping we can at least get his teeth cleaned.

Jack got to pick out a present at the dentist's office and he chose a toy camera.  He loves taking it places and taking pictures.  Here is one of me taking a picture of Jack taking a picture of me!  Jack thought this was really funny.  Surprise, surprise we were at Target- our second home.  

Jack also got his haircut recently and for the first time in THREE YEARS we had a haircut with no tears.  I can't tell you how excited I was.  The hairdresser asked me how short I wanted it cut and I was speechless because my usual answer is "however short you can get it and still handle the screaming".  I am one very proud mom!  

Jackson has gotten really good at riding his scooter around our cul de sac.  He whips and turns on it like he is a pro.  Just a few short months ago he wouldn't even touch his scooter.  What a different a few months makes!  

We went to the Children's Museum a few days ago for the first time and it was a blast.  Jackson loved playing dress-up, playing with the puppets and even got into character as a check-out clerk and rang up a little girl.  It was so cute!

And we have had plenty of down time at home to hang out and snuggle with our new addition.   Jackson thinks it's funny to tickle Ben's feet and belly.  

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