Friday, March 30, 2012

Thomas the Train

This might be my favorite video of Jackson.

He got a few new trains and went nuts over them!


Jackson got a tricycle a few weeks ago.  He can't quite touch the pedals yet, so really his riding just consist of sitting on it with his helmet on.  But he LOVES it.  

I tried to get some pictures of him on it, but he wanted nothing to do with the camera (see previous post).  

Don't take my picture, mom! 

I'm not looking up, mom.   

Are you still there?  

Enough with the camera!!!

Alright, I'm done.  Get this helmet off!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Beach Fun

We've been venturing to the beach more often now that Jackson is older and doesn't spend the entire time eating the sand.

He loves digging in the sand and having mommy help him build sand castles.  He's not a fan of the cold water, but I'm sure in a few months he'll love splashing around in it.

Zoomars Petting Zoo

A friend from Kansas City came into town a few weeks ago and we ventured up to Zoomars Petting Zoo in San Juan Capistrano with the kiddos.

Jackson LOVES animals.  If he had his way, we would have a petting zoo in our backyard and all the animals would stay still so he could lay on top of them and give them hugs.

Hugging the goats 

Chasing the guinea pics 

This one has a beard! 

Feeding the Zonkeys

Train ride

Jackson got scared of the train, so mommy had to ride with him.

Monday, March 26, 2012


Are you wondering why I haven't posted in awhile?  Well ...

Jackson has decided that he's so over the paparazzi that follow him everywhere.

If he sees any sight of a camera or video camera he goes into 'celebrity mode'.  Aka- screams and throws himself on the floor.

Hoping this phase ends soon.  Celebrity mode video below for your viewing pleasure.

No Trains at the Dinner Table

Here's what I learned this week:  No trains at the dinner table.

Why, you ask?

Here's why ...

Hmmm ... wonder if I can use my train as a spoon?

I'll just dip it a few times in the yogurt cup. 

And then suck the yogurt off the train.  Yep, it works!  I found a new spoon!


Botanical Gardens

There is this hidden gem in Encinitas call the Botanical Gardens.  I have heard really good things about the gardens, but hadn't had the chance to take Jackson.

A friend and I decided it was time to venture over to the gardens to check it out.  These gardens were awesome.  I'm bummed I waited so long to take Jackson.  Not only were the gardens full of botanical flowers, a bazillion palm trees, fruit trees, etc., they also had two different areas for children.  A 'little kid' area that had a train set (complete with James from Thomas the Train), bubbles and miniature houses to play in, and then a 'big kids' area with a huge tree house and a moat to play with boats in.  Awesome!  The boys had so much fun.  (Note to self: next time bring a change of clothing and water shoes!).

Checking out James as he drives by. 

Hey, where's the train?   

Wonder what happens if I push this button? 

The boat moat!

 What's the game plan, bro?

Ok, you back up and I'll put the boat down.  

And then we'll chase the boat down the moat!!!!