Thursday, March 29, 2012

Zoomars Petting Zoo

A friend from Kansas City came into town a few weeks ago and we ventured up to Zoomars Petting Zoo in San Juan Capistrano with the kiddos.

Jackson LOVES animals.  If he had his way, we would have a petting zoo in our backyard and all the animals would stay still so he could lay on top of them and give them hugs.

Hugging the goats 

Chasing the guinea pics 

This one has a beard! 

Feeding the Zonkeys

Train ride

Jackson got scared of the train, so mommy had to ride with him.

1 comment:

ZOOMARS said...

Hi Shari,
We love these photos. We hope you had a great visit. The goat your son is petting is one of our favorites.
Thank you,