Monday, March 26, 2012

Botanical Gardens

There is this hidden gem in Encinitas call the Botanical Gardens.  I have heard really good things about the gardens, but hadn't had the chance to take Jackson.

A friend and I decided it was time to venture over to the gardens to check it out.  These gardens were awesome.  I'm bummed I waited so long to take Jackson.  Not only were the gardens full of botanical flowers, a bazillion palm trees, fruit trees, etc., they also had two different areas for children.  A 'little kid' area that had a train set (complete with James from Thomas the Train), bubbles and miniature houses to play in, and then a 'big kids' area with a huge tree house and a moat to play with boats in.  Awesome!  The boys had so much fun.  (Note to self: next time bring a change of clothing and water shoes!).

Checking out James as he drives by. 

Hey, where's the train?   

Wonder what happens if I push this button? 

The boat moat!

 What's the game plan, bro?

Ok, you back up and I'll put the boat down.  

And then we'll chase the boat down the moat!!!!

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