Sunday, July 7, 2013

Grandma Teach Visit

Grandma Teach came to visit us last week and help with baby Ben.  Jackson was a little thrown off that  Grandma Wine was already here and another Grandma would be coming out- but once we explained that he had two Grandmas he thought it was really cool.  He kept running around the house saying "I have two Grandmas" and would even ask where "Grandma #2" was when one of them wasn't in the room.

We spent most days just lazing around the house and trying to catch up on sleep, but we did manage to venture out a few times.

Snuggles with Ben 

Snuggles with Jack

Out and about with Grandma 1 and Grandma 2

What happens when both Grandmas are trying on shoes 
and Mommy is tending to the baby ... 

Eating pizza with Grandma Teach

Watching the trains at the Botanical Garden

Saying goodbye to Grandma Teach.  Jackson wanted to go with her.  

One more snuggle with Ben before Grandma takes off

Jackson following Grandma's car down the street to say goodbye

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