Monday, April 18, 2011

Shock it to Me

Oliver took his Rattle Snake Awareness class this past week and passed with flying colors!  Well, I take that back, he passed, but maybe not with flying colors. I warned the trainer that he was kind of spastic and probably wouldn't care if he was getting shocked, he'd still go up to the snake.  And of course, Oliver followed through with what I thought.  The trainer said, and I quote, "Oliver went up to the snake and was like 'oh what is this...SHOCK'...'oh what is this...SHOCK'...'oh what is this...SHOCK'...'oh what is this...SHOCK'.  On the fifth time he finally understood that he wasn't supposed to go up to the rattlesnake or he would get shocked.  After he caught on to that, he passed the other three tests just fine.

And now that I typed the abovet it probably sounds like Oliver was abused- but I assure you he was not.  What they do in the class is take the dogs up to a baby rattlesnake and shock them to make them think they were bitten.  They then take the dogs up to a snake skin so they know what the snake smells like, a rattlesnake in a box so they know what the snake sounds like and then an adult snake for a final test.  By then end of the class the dog knows what a rattlesnake looks, sounds and smells like and knows to stay away from them.

After class Oliver got to go to PetCo and pick out a treat and get a new dog tag.  I'm not for sure which one  had more fun in the store- Jackson or Oliver.

Oliver is ready for his treat! 

Oliver eyeing the treats while Jackson finds his own treat- the cart.  

Working on an escape plan

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